Why did my wife and I make this site? We want to make browsing Reddit more informative, educational, hilarious, inspiring, and extremely cute.
This site uses Claude 3 Haiku and it is updated daily using Github Actions. We fetch posts from r/all, which is a diverse subreddit that exhibits the daily posts that reach the front page of Reddit (It's so diverse that most subreddits appear less than twice per 100 posts). We then feed the posts to Claude 3 Haiku which rates them. Then we show you a sorted list of the highest scoring posts, and sometimes alongside a comment by Claude behind the reasoning.
This website is open source and non-commercial. We use the official Reddit API to crawl once a day. The data we crawl is not used for training the AI.
This site was made by me, Alexis Drain (front-end, TypeScript), and Dawn Drain (back-end, Python). Send me an email with feedback if you love or hate AI Reddit Curator!
Check out my other work, such as the browser extension Less Addictive YouTube ...or my 15 web games!
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